Celebrate the The New Year With Your Friends at the BNA
The BNA would like to invite all members in good standing and their guests to The Annual BNA Welcome to the New Year Celebration Dinner. Celebrate the accomplishments of the club over the past year. Swear in the new Board of Directors members that were elected in December. Also, there will be prizes and surprises throughout the evening.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Arrive any time after 6:00 PM
Program Begins at 6:45 PM
Dinner is served at 7:00 PM
Bellevue Hotel
544 Como Park Blvd
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
(on Como Park Blvd, just east of Union Rd, near the Apple Tre Business Park)
Cash Bar all night long
Dinner Menu
Chef Salad, Bread & Butter
- Breaded Pork Chops
- Honey Dipped Fried Chicken
- Penne Pasta with Red Sauce
- Sweet & Sour Cabbage
- Medley of Vegetables
- Vanilla Ice Cream & Crème de menthe
- Coffee or Tea
Reservations Are Required
Make your reservation by January 19, 2025!
BNA Member in Good Standing $15.00
Guest or Spouse (Non-BNA Member) $30.00
Contact Lou Resofsky at 716-681-1300
Print and Mail Your Reservation
You can also bring your reservation form and payment to the January Coin Club Meeting on Tuesday, January 14 or the January Coin Show on Sunday, January 19.
Party Location
Bellevue Hotel
544 Como Park Blvd
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
(on Como Park Blvd, just east of Union Rd, near the Apple Tre Business Park)