Updated: March 15, 2022
Coin Collecting Merit Badge
The Buffalo Numismatic Association (BNA) sponsors a Coin Collecting Merit Badge Clinic that is open to Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, siblings, and kids interested in coin collecting. The workshop is offered only in the spring at the Gold and Silver Expo.
The Boy Scout Coin Collecting Merit Badge Clinic is a fun-filled day where scouts learn about coins and coin collecting. Each participant receives a bag of materials and free coins to help them start their collection. Door prizes, giveaways (for correct answers to questions), and the “Deal or No Deal” game give scouts the opportunity to collect additional coins, books, and albums.
“Be Prepared” is a motto that all Boy Scouts live by and earning this merit badge will take some preparation. Before arriving at the clinic, each scout must complete the following prerequisites to earn the merit badge:
- Read the entire Coin Collecting Merit Badge Pamphlet -(Yes! The whole thing!)
- Req. #6: Collect at least five different State Quarters (dated 1999 – 2009)
- Req. #7: Collect a set of currently circulating U.S. coins
- Req. #9d: Collect a date set of a single type since the year of your birth
Can’t Get Your Hands on a coin collecting handbook?
If you can’t get your hands on coin collecting handbook, the American Numismatic Association has an online resource that can help you. You can find it at:
For More Information
Contact: Jim Bucki at jmbucki@The-BNA.org
Young Numismatists Club
Who Are the YNs?
The BNA Young Numismatists Club meets at every BNA Coin Show. Look for the “Kids Corner” sign at the show and see what fun activity we are doing for boys and girls ages 6 to 18 years old. The more shows that you come to, the bigger the prize you will win at the end of the year.
Earn some more BNA Bucks by writing an article for Coin Craze (send articles to jmbucki@the-BNA.org) or doing a Show-N-Tell. Remember, the BNA Bucks never expire, so save them for next year and treat them like you would real money.
For more information, contact The BNA Scouting & Youth Coordinator at jmbucki@The-BNA.org